الخميس، 29 مايو 2008

مشروع المهرج من اجل فلسطين

قررت مجموعة من الاوربيين الموجودين فى فلسطين الان المشاركة بمشروع يسعد الاطفال يذهب اليهم حيثما كانوا فى مختلف الاماكن و المخيمات سيلبس الاعضاء لبس المهرج و غيرة من الملابس التنكرية ويرسموا البسمة على وجوه الاطفال
المهم ان هناك مسابقة لاحسن مشروع سيفوز ومن سيفوز سيكسب 7500 يورو من جريدة هولندية سيستخدمها المتطوعين لشراء لملابس والاتوبيس الذى سينقلهم من مكان لاخر

والمطلوب منكم فقط هو الضغط على الرابط الموجود
لن تصوت و لن تفعل اى شئ غير ضغط الرابط
فالضغطة على الرابط معناها انك اعطيت صوتك لمشروع
المهرج لاسعاد اطفال فلسطين
باقى من الزمن 48 ساعة فقط لانهاء التصويت 30 مايو
ومحتاجين 10 الاف صوت فاضغط الرابط على قدر ما تستطيع

مرات كثيرة

من اجل اطفال فلسطين اضغط الرابط

Dear friends,We urgently need your help!
It is very simple and it doesn't cost you much, just a bit of clicking!

You may remember that I sent you an e-mail some time ago in relation to a clown project in Palestine.

A major Dutch newspaper is holding a contest for the best project proposal ('ideal') for which the winner will win 7500 euros in order to realize the project.

Thanks to the support of many of you, the clown project is presently in the top 10!!!

In order to become number one, it has to be read (clicked on) 10,000 more times in the coming 2 days!!!!!!!

Kristal, the Dutch initiator of the project, is therefore sending requests to solidary persons around the world to please click on the link below as many times as possible in the coming 2 days, in the hope that she will become number one!

Just to refresh your memory, I am sending a write-up about the project again: Dear friends,I am a Dutch woman living in Palestine since about a year and seldom have I seen such friendly, warm and hospitable people!However, during that year I have also seen a lot of suffering, particularly among the children in the Refugee Camps who have no space to play and develop themselves, and live in constant fear of Israeli bombardments.Over the past year I did a lot of fundraising for different small Palestinian organisations and projects.There are many creative ways to get money for realizing projects.One of the major Dutch newspapers (Trouw) is now holding a contest for the best project proposal.The proposal which receives the most on-line support will win 7.500 euro's in order to realize the project!As I am presently fundraising for a small Theater Group from Nablus called 'Katakeet' (baby chickens),I kindly request your help for us to win!
The ONLY thing you need to do is to click on the link to my project on the newspaper's website (see below) as many times as possible until 30 May, and forward this message urgently as broadly as you can. http://idealen.trouw.nl/idealen/laatste/bus-vol-clowns The members of the theater group are all youth (20+ years old) from Dehisha Refugee Camp.Dressed up as clowns or in their Tweety and Mickey Mouse costumes, they travel all around the West Bank to Refugee Camps, villages, hospitals, near to the wall, beside the checkpoints, etc. bringing shows to children.On the one hand they let them laugh, sing and dance, but they also portray messages of human values and helpful tips in order to lead a dignified life.The guys have spent all their personal money and they are broke. So I want for them to have a nice small bus that can be painted in happy colours with which they can travel around to present their shows.Also they could use some new costumes!!So if we win the contest, the money will go towards purchasing a bus and costumes for this theater group in order to entertain the children. If you are willing to help by clicking on the link in support, we would greatly appreciate it!!The more clicks (we need 10,000 more), the bigger our chance to win 7.500 euros for realizing a bus and costumes for this theater group to entertain the children! Thank you so much for your support!!Aurora on behalf of Kristal

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