الجمعة، 1 مارس 2013

مجازر مروعه بحق اخواننا فى الحركه الاسلاميه ببنجلاديش

مجازر مروعه بحق اخواننا فى الحركه الاسلاميه ببنجلاديش ومقتل العشرات من اعضاء الحركه فى احتجاجات على الحكم الظالم باعدام الشيخ العلامه دلاور حسين سعيدي

What is going on in this country? Government force & their political wing’s gangsters Killed 100n above innocent people by brush-fire, wounded 3000 by bullet outof 500 are seriously wounded (life-death situation). It is not fair. All the peoples are citizen of this country. If i do it with power when opposition will go to the power they will do the same. Bhutto hanged by opposition. In Bangladesh every government party did bad work when they are rulling party. Actually somebody is destroying our unity of this country. They want to loot our wealth of the country and want to use free transit, free port, free market. India is a goodfather country they want to free use Bangladeshi Sea Port, Transit, free market, Free road, Rail & River Port to go to their seven province without any charges. They made 7 dam on the river to convert our land as desert with violation international law. They grab our island Talpatti, grab 15000 squrekilometer land and every time they are killing our people in the border. even they are not giving water as per contact because india is a super power!

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